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How to do the keyboard's button work when the button is'nt working ?

keyboard button

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Computer Keyboard is very important to work on the computer. But sometimes keyboard button doesn't work or get wasted. It may be caused by mechanical failure. A few months after the purchase of a keyboard most of the people's keyboard button get damaged or wasted. As a result, the Typing speed is reduced a lot and it take a lot of time to do or complete the work. For this reason it became necessary to buy a new keyboard But if we manage to do the wasted or corrupted button work with this keyboard then we don't have to buy a new keyboard. Let's see how to work:

Step-1: For this You'll need the table of the bottom, there are some characters and numbers codes are given which is called ASCII Code. Since the computer can not work with anything other than 0 and 1, Therefore each byte's are used to represent, Various characters (a-z, A-Z), special characters ($, #) and numbers (0-9) and this bytes each single structure is called character code. ASCII is one type of character code.

Step-2: button that wasted or corrupted see its ASCII code first. Now Press Alt Key and type the ASCII code from keyboard's right side number-pad at the same time. You'll see the character or number appeared in the typing box.
ASCII CODE Character/Number ASCII CODE Character/Number
33 ! 99 c
34 " 100 d
35 # 101 e
36 $ 102 f
37 % 103 g
38 & 104 h
39 ' 105 i
40 ( 106 j
41 ) 107 k
42 * 108 l
43 + 109 m
44 , 110 n
45 - 111 o
46 . 112 p
47 / 113 q
48 0 114 r
49 1 115 s
50 2 116 t
51 3 117 u
52 4 118 v
53 5 119 w
54 6 120 x
55 7 121 y
56 8 122 z
57 9 123 {
58 : 124 |
59 ; 125 }
60 < 126 «
61 = 159 ƒ
62 > 161 í
63 ? 246  ÷
64 @ 247
65 A 248 °
66 B 249
67 C 250 ·
68 D 243
69 E 242
70 F 241 ±
71 G 240
72 H 249
73 I 238 ε
74 J 237 φ
75 K 236
76 L 235 δ
77 M 234 Ω
78 N 233 Θ
79 O 232 Φ
80 P 231 τ
81 Q 230 µ
82 R 229 σ
83 S 228 Σ
84 T 227 π
85 U 225 ß
86 V 224 α
87 W 205
88 X 186
89 Y 179
90 Z 175 »
91 [ 174 «
92 \ 173 ¡
93 ] 172 ¼
94 ^ 171 ½
95 _ * *
96 ` * *
97 a * *
98 b * *

(Note: Only the required character's and number's code has been added here. If you find any mistakes, please let me know. )